What’s Love Got To Do With It

the gift of sacrificial love What’s love got to do with it?  Everything….and when it is sacrificial love, it is the best.

When you are concerned about the well-being of others you usually have to sacrifice.  You may have to expand your time, your energy, or your money for them.  You may have to give up your plans your independence or your privacy.  To love as God loves, in other words, you may have to part with whatever is most precious to you for the sake of someone else.  I find this very difficult at times because the response you get from others during this journey or process is a pain that only subsides as time passes.  You find yourself going through emotions and wanting to give up, however through the process you know the end result is doing the will of God for the sake of touching others with His Love, teachings and ministry.

Sacrificial love is a difficult concept to grasp because our culture teaches the exact opposite.  We must grasp that true personal fulfillment never comes through self-gratification.  Only when we give ourself to God and joyfully serve his people in sacrificial love that we find fulfillment and satisfaction that the world will never know.

I know this is hard sometimes because many times people do not see your sacrifice, they only see what has been taken from them whether from lack of vision or walking in the flesh.  It is easy to turn and look inward instead of the prize that is ahead of us as Christians.  Becoming a Christian doesn’t mean trials of life never come for they are for the betterment of our faith but being a Christian is knowing the end result of eternal life with the One called Jesus who shared this kind of love.

Sacrificial love in marriage is when you enhance the life of each other making it fuller and more satisfying than it would be if the marriage didn’t exist.  Loving marriages help both spouses grow into their full potential rather than putting down the other.  It is loving the other putting their needs above your own.  The “I love you” means to commit to serve, to build you, to cheer you on despite the time, energy, money, and the misunderstandings of the journey of life.

Sacrificial love is the foundation of every key relationship in life and when people don’t practice sacrificial love, they find themselves wanting, wishing and in turmoil remembering only the past instead of looking toward the future.

Mark 8

John 3:16

Published by Abundant Living Gal

I never meet a stranger! I love to minister, talk, take pictures and be a friend! Helping people find abundant living is my passion! Let's leave a legacy and be world changers!

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